Thursday, May 23, 2024

Part 2 Holy Spirit - How do I get Him? Repent, Ask, Receive (Repeat)

The Holy Spirit is not a premonition or feeling. He is a person of the Trinity who can be trusted and wants to reside in us.  Only 32 short bible verses after receiving the promised Holy Spirit, Peter was being asked by some of the crowd who cheered on Jesus' crucifixion how to "get us some".  Peter, who pre-Holy Spirit, was doubtful, impulsive, and scared was now, post-Holy Spirit, a bold and wise leader.  Acts 2:  36-38  Therefore let all the house of Israel know for certain that God has made Him both Lord and Christ - this Jesus whom you crucified.  Now when they heard this they were pierced to the heart, and said to Peter and the rest of the apostles "Brothers, what are we to do?"  Peter said to them "Repent, and each of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins; and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit."

Repenting requires admitting wrong-doing and asking for forgiveness.  Fessing up to sin is usually hard, but it can be so liberating.  A politician might publicly overcome a past sin such as adultery if he truly repented and then stayed faithful to his spouse.  He might even gain votes from sympathizers who are impressed with the about face!  Unfortunately we live in a society today where if you apologize, you are often considered “weak” and "a loser".

In Genesis, all of Joseph's jealous older brother's were involved with selling Joseph into slavery.  God knew before any of them were born that this family betrayal would occur.  But God ensured that good things came out of this evil, and Joseph recognized it.  Genesis 50:19-21 But Joseph said to them, "Do not be afraid, for am I in God's place? As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant if for good in order to bring about this present result, to keep many people alive.  So therefore, do not be afraid; I will provide for you and your little ones."  So he comforted them and spoke kindly to them.  Brother Judah was the only brother who showed repentance, and he and his tribe experienced the least hardship and received the greatest blessings from God, including the lineage of Messiah Jesus.  

Even though Jesus promised the Holy Spirit to all believers, He also wants us to ask for His Spirit.  Knowing we need the Holy Spirit and then asking for it is purposeful.  Acts 1:14 (Right after Jesus' ascension)  All these (the 11 remaining disciples) were continually devoting themselves with one mind to prayer, along with the women, and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with His brothers. God hears us when we communicate with Him, and as the ultimate good parent, He gives us what we need to survive and thrive, often in ways we never saw coming.  

God has never and will never change.  We are the ones who must change.  Jesus will always forgive true repentance, and His Holy Spirit will move our hearts if we invite Him in. Even though Jesus always forgives, people may not forgive.  And we may believe we don’t deserve to be forgiven.  But repentant sinners’ have been cleansed by the blood of Jesus when he was crucified and took on all sin – past, present and future.

Before I truly believed in Jesus and invited in the Holy Spirit, neither rejoicing for others nor thoughtfully and lovingly listening to those I disagree with were important to me. And even if either had been goals, I could never have reached them by pure willpower.  Bible study, prayer and the Holy Spirit highlighted my sin and helped me overcome it. My heart wants to rejoice for others when good things happen in their lives – I need the Holy Spirit to quelch any envious thoughts.  When I hear an opinion that I strongly disagree with, I want to hear the truths the person is relying on to hold that opinion – I need the Holy Spirit to close my mouth, open my ears and heart, and give me thoughtful, loving, truthful words if He wants me to say anything at all. 

The Holy Spirit blesses us, turns our eyes away from the world to Jesus, and transforms us.  The more you listen to and are guided by the Holy Spirit, and more you will grow and mature as a Christian.

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